With  Super Bowl right around the corner, the ads are already being released. Some brands have released their ads in full while others have released teasers. We sat down and watched as many as we could, ranking them as we went. Below are our top five.

Wix- The one for millennials

Our team thought that this commercial was targeted more towards millennials because of how relevant Wix, the free website builder, is among our age group. The commercial is fast-paced and demonstrates how quick and easy the Wix website is to use. Now more than ever, people are blogging, vlogging and showing people what they enjoy doing and what they think is interesting in their daily lives, and the commercial shows that Wix is a great way to do that through their user-friendly templates.


Snickers- The one we're most anticipating

Snickers is branching out this year and doing something we’ve never seen before. Instead of pre-releasing their ad, or even giving us a prequel, they’ve decided to announce that their Super Bowl commercial will be live. We don’t know what exactly it is that they’re up to, but we can’t wait to find out.


Turbo Tax- The one that made us laugh

Viewers will see the universally-known character Humpty Dumpty in the new Super Bowl ad for TurboTax. The familiar figure is a source of comedy while still making the point of how easy filing taxes can be when using TurboTax. The humor is in the details: egg whites stuck to Humpty’s shell, yolk dripping out of his mouth and Humpty receiving top-notch medical care while being airlifted for his treatment. The playfulness of this ad stretches beyond generational barriers and probes into the minds of anyone looking for a simple and inexpensive way to file taxes


Mr. Clean- The one that surprised us

“You gotta love a man who cleans.” For years Mr. Clean was the Jolly Green Giant of cleaning products - the face of a mess’s rescue. We’ve seen companies attempt to bring the face of their brand to life, but the efforts  have seemed mediocre at best. This year, however, Mr. Clean broke the barrier in his Super Bowl debut. The in-house Procter & Gamble ad features Mr. Clean “sexxing up” the cleaned floor as a woman sizes up the mess of her home. As his seduction continues, the ad ends with Mr. Clean turning into the woman’s husband and a tackling public display of affection.Is the ad cheesy? Of course. But we couldn’t help but be amused by the “50 Shades Darker” similarities...and for a cleaning product. We kept grinning throughout the ad and ended things in laughter - a successful debut in our book.


Intel- The one we keep replaying

Fitting to the name, Intel’s 360 replay ad was one we watched over and over again. Intel, known for their Michael Phelps ad from last year, makes an “epic” reappearance in the ad world with their spot starring Tom Brady. By casting one of this year's Super Bowl quarterbacks, Intel has the perfect set-up to reach football fans and a younger audience. It’s also always fun to see how new technology is incorporated and introduced to the masses. Our team liked the ad because of the exaggeration and humor used to convey a point. A football star making pancakes with his dog - who wouldn’t replay this ad?
